Apply for Funding


Who We Prioritize

The Hub prioritizes frontline and grassroots communities of color, low wealth, rural and urban groups are encouraged to apply. If you are an organization that is not incorporated and does not have a bank account, you will need to find an organization to serve as your ‘”fiscal sponsor” and accept the rant funds for your group. The Hub’s priority is to help community groups statewide build capacity, deploy rapid response, and mutual aid funds, as well as accomplish our hub’s goals/priorities. 


Got questions? Send us an email:

Grant Types


Capacity-building grants are for helping orgs do critical on-the-ground efforts to achieve climate and environmental justice in Alabama. Organizations efforts must align with the AL Hub’s priorities. 




Rapid Response

These funds are for the rapid distribution of resources to communities experiencing an urgent environmental crisis. The Hub aims for rapid disbursement of funds so that orgs can aid folks affected as close as possible to the crisis’ occurrence. 


CLICK HERE TO APPLY NOW:  Applications OPEN and distributed on a rolling basis


Mutual Aid

The Hub makes a limited number of rapid response and mutual aid grants. You may use this form to apply for up to $25,000 in funding. Groups seeking funding to respond to unexpected crises, opportunities, or threats that align with the goals and priorities of the AL Hub may use this form to apply for funding. Individuals are not eligible to receive grant funds.

CLICK HERE TO APPLY NOW:   Applications OPEN and distributed on a rolling basis

Funding Criteria

Rapid Response and Mutual Aid Funds will center its criteria around:


  • Urgency – Funds will be used toward a new or unexpected threat, crisis, or opportunity.
  • Leadership – Leadership that is reflective of the communities served by the organization.
  • Alignment – Organizations whose work aligns with the goals of the AL Hub.
  • Alabama-based – Must be based in and perform more than 75% of their work to benefit AL.
  • Solidarity – With a commitment to increase grantmaking to Black women, Indigenous women, Trans women of color, Trans/ gender expansive people broadly, and People of the Global Majority.
  • Trusted Relationships –  Organizing led by those trusted and in loving, direct, accountable community with those they build alongside. We see every day how powerful organizing work speaks for itself and we center trust and relationships over “perfectly framed or comprehensively written” proposals

Applications will be reviewed the month following the application submission date. If you have any questions you can call or email